16th March 2023 : Brain Awareness Week – the RESQ+ project

Blëtz a.s.b.l. shares the latest stroke care innovation using artificial intelligence in healthcare on behalf of the Stroke Alliance For Europe (S.A.F.E.)

Using digitisation and artificial intelligence to revolutionise healthcare

Happy Brain Awareness Week!

We are excited to share with you news about /resqstrokecare

RES-Q+ is a new project which will use artificial intelligence in the fight against stroke in Europe.

It will improve the quality of care for stroke patients, save patients‘ lives, reduce healthcare costs and increase the economic and social benefit to stroke survivors.

This will be done by:

  • creating a fully automated tool for obtaining and processing data
  • evaluating data and providing feedback to care providers through artificial intelligence-based virtual assistants that can target problem areas
  • creating virtual assistants for stroke patients that will monitor their condition

Listen to Professor Robert Mikulik, MD, Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic talk about RESQ+ https://youtu.be/fLoCF-j6xSM

For more information, please visit website https://www.resqplus.eu/

The project is funded by a grant provided by the EU under the European Commission’s HORIZON EUROPE research and innovation support programme. Project Number 101057603.

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