Monique Reiff Neurologist and Chantal Keller president of Blëtz a.s.b.l were present at this years conference of SAFE (Stroke Alliance for Europe) at the European Parliament. On this day SAFE and EOS (European Stroke Organisation) introduced the Stroke Action Plan for Europe and discussed how the different aspects and ideas will be applied. A Panel Discussion ‘The Role of Policy in Tackling Stroke’ was held by Cathy Smith, Professional Moderator from Speak Easy. Also present at this Conference were Jon Barrick (President of SAFE) , Martin Seychell (Deputy Director General for Health and Food Safety), Tiberius-Marius B. (Secretary of State, Ministry of Health of Romania), Rokas Navickas (Scientific Coordinator of the Chrodis Plus Joint Action), Mikel Irujo Amezaga (Member of the European Commitee of the Regions), Bart van der Worp (President of the Eurpoean Stroke Organisation ), Grether Lunde (Stroke Survivor & SAFE Board Memeber), Tina Laatikainen (Research Professor at National Institute for Health and Welfare Findland) an Milan K. (Minister of Health of the Republic of Croatia). The Meeting at the European Parliament aimed to:
– Showcase and explore how to move forward the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030 in policy
– Share national best practices for effektive prevention and control of stroke and explore the current Council Presidency Trio’s priorities, especially the ones that will address stroke
– Explore what the role of policy is in tackling stroke (from prevention to life after stroke) and what policy stakeholders can do moving forward to help tackle stroke-related challenges.
The conference ultimately looked at driving the implementation of the Europian Stroke Action Plan at local level through an own initiative report on stroke (as a blueprint for other chronic diseases) led by the European Committee of Regions, calling for action at both European, national and local levels
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